My computer did an almost crash. Too hard to explain. I lost most of my art that I had done for the last two years! My PaintShop Pro is working in basic mode regardless of how many times I tweak it and reinstall it. So I was forced to have to start playing seriously with Photoshop Elements 4.0. Here is a compilation of all my trying everything I could within the program. I tested brushes, textures, layers, colors, levels, gradients, text, and what not.
While the thought crossed my mind to go ahead and upgrade PaintShop Pro and avoid further problems, I started to look around my computer to see what else I had in the way of graphics programs. I have downloaded quite a few in the past and re-discovered ArtWeaver. I will add a download link on the left side of this page with the other programs for download. It is a great program. And it is FREE! It has the interface of Photoshop but the ability of Corel Painter. I am currently working on a picture that I will post when it is complete. The real brush painting capabilities are great. Especially if one cannot afford Corel Painter X. I would love to have the program but cannot afford it. So ArtWeaver will give me the proficiency of using the brushes, strokes, etc. until I can get the real thing.