Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday, October 1, 2007

Mind-Numbing Art

These are my art in the last few days or week. I call it mind-numbing art cause I am using it to keep my sanity in this divorce. It is barely working! Pray for me!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Skyler Zoe

After my computer crash, I have been trying other graphics programs. These two were done mostly with ArtWeaver but tweaked with a few other programs. With ArtWeaver I am learning the paining techniques using acrylics, oils etc. It has been challenging but fun!


I haven't been able to blog much these days. Going through a divorce is extremely limiting and exhausting. I have been mind-numbingly doing some art to stay attached and keep my mind going in a positive way. These pictures were taken by me while in Connecticut and New York in January.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Two More!

Here are two more pics that I have done in Artweaver. Actually I have used multiple programs to get the final effect but the brunt was painted in ArtWeaver. I am trying to learn the Wacom tablet using the brushes and effects. These are good but not the level I am wanting to be at with my art. Such a perfectionist, eh?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I am Learning Again!

My computer did an almost crash. Too hard to explain. I lost most of my art that I had done for the last two years! My PaintShop Pro is working in basic mode regardless of how many times I tweak it and reinstall it. So I was forced to have to start playing seriously with Photoshop Elements 4.0. Here is a compilation of all my trying everything I could within the program. I tested brushes, textures, layers, colors, levels, gradients, text, and what not.

While the thought crossed my mind to go ahead and upgrade PaintShop Pro and avoid further problems, I started to look around my computer to see what else I had in the way of graphics programs. I have downloaded quite a few in the past and re-discovered ArtWeaver. I will add a download link on the left side of this page with the other programs for download. It is a great program. And it is FREE! It has the interface of Photoshop but the ability of Corel Painter. I am currently working on a picture that I will post when it is complete. The real brush painting capabilities are great. Especially if one cannot afford Corel Painter X. I would love to have the program but cannot afford it. So ArtWeaver will give me the proficiency of using the brushes, strokes, etc. until I can get the real thing.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I just completed this one. I was tossed up between making it 'choppy' or muting the colors in trying to make the 'dead' concept stand out. The muted, black and white, sepia, etc. colors still didn't represent what I wanted well enough. Again, this is different than any of my others. And I am learning new techniques all the time.
Sometimes I think this is how 'Christians' look most of the time. They have a plastered look with glazed-over eyes. They look good but you can see there is no life within them.