Monday, October 1, 2007
Mind-Numbing Art
These are my art in the last few days or week. I call it mind-numbing art cause I am using it to keep my sanity in this divorce. It is barely working! Pray for me!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Skyler Zoe
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Two More!
Here are two more pics that I have done in Artweaver. Actually I have used multiple programs to get the final effect but the brunt was painted in ArtWeaver. I am trying to learn the Wacom tablet using the brushes and effects. These are good but not the level I am wanting to be at with my art. Such a perfectionist, eh?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I am Learning Again!
My computer did an almost crash. Too hard to explain. I lost most of my art that I had done for the last two years! My PaintShop Pro is working in basic mode regardless of how many times I tweak it and reinstall it. So I was forced to have to start playing seriously with Photoshop Elements 4.0. Here is a compilation of all my trying everything I could within the program. I tested brushes, textures, layers, colors, levels, gradients, text, and what not.
While the thought crossed my mind to go ahead and upgrade PaintShop Pro and avoid further problems, I started to look around my computer to see what else I had in the way of graphics programs. I have downloaded quite a few in the past and re-discovered ArtWeaver. I will add a download link on the left side of this page with the other programs for download. It is a great program. And it is FREE! It has the interface of Photoshop but the ability of Corel Painter. I am currently working on a picture that I will post when it is complete. The real brush painting capabilities are great. Especially if one cannot afford Corel Painter X. I would love to have the program but cannot afford it. So ArtWeaver will give me the proficiency of using the brushes, strokes, etc. until I can get the real thing.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Busy Busy!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The Spirit and the bride say, Come!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Me Again!
I have others say the same thing about themselves and my reply is, 'that is because sometimes a lot of pictures need to be taken to capture the right you.' If you take enough pictures you are bound to find a few really good ones. Well, I guess I had to eat my words.
So, I started taking pictures of myself. At first out of sheer curiosity to see if my statement was indeed true. Nevertheless, after a few hundred (??) I found some nice ones. I was even told by my husband that one of them was the best picture ever taken.
After doing other portraitures I decided to see what would happen if I did one of me. And ta-da! This is the end result!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Holy, Holy, Holy!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Here is a picture that I had on my heart. I had been deeply pondering the word grace, the concept of grace. Scripture-wise there are different ways it is applied but the one I chose for this picture is the one that stuck out.
1 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ.
Through the knowledge of God. Not in the performance factors of going to a church building every week and ritualistically obeying everything you are told to do out of fear that you might displease God. I believe it should be read as 'through the knowledge of God's heart'. When you dig to see someone's heart is when you truly get to have knowledge about him or her.
The picture I used is one that I photographed while in the snowy mountains here in Colorado.
(See my other post on this picture at
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Free Plug-ins!
Another good resource is by Harold Heim. There are plenty of free plug-ins and other stuff on his page. He also has a newsletter that you can sign up for and it has a lot of interesting stuff in it plus more free plug-ins that he has found for you.
I will continue to post good tid-bits as I think of them.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Details from the Dead Picture
I worked hard at adding the lightening. To me it needed to 'say' something. I didn't want just any lightening bolt. It couldn't be too tiny or too scattered. Just enough to possibly show the finger of God.
I used an ultra grunge font to depict the ‘darkness’ of the picture. The two fonts I used are ‘Genius of Crack’ and ‘Grunge’. They are free fonts that I downloaded from the internet. If you put ‘free font grunge’ or ‘free font Genius of Crack’, I am sure you could find them and download them if you wanted them. Many of the font names are dumb. Some are raunchy. I have tried to find font programs to change the names but although they advertise that ability, it is not so easily done. So unless the name is one I cannot work with like ‘Satan’s best friend’ then I just keep it the way it is.
This picture took 58 saved versions to get the one I liked. While the bulk of the picture was done with PaintShop Pro 8, I did use PhotoShop Elements 4 to separate the sky and church to work with the lighting and effects individually.
Monday, March 26, 2007
My Photograph
Monday, March 19, 2007
Man of the Year!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
4.25 GB's of space!
This is a basic of how I cropped them and compliled them on a page. The second picture shows the art effects that have started.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Easter Art
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Best So Far
Examples of 'Words on Pictures'.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Why an Art Blog?
I am well now through God intervening in my life. Some call it a healing. I do not care what it is called except that I feel like the woman in Luke 8:43 that had ‘an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any’.
The only residual to my sickness is my lack of memory, which is not all bad. It can drive my family batty at times while they are in their memory mode and I stare at them blank with a dumb look on my face because I cannot share in the moment.
So… I am relearning the computer, programs, my art and mostly my Christianity. It has been exhilarating and quite frustrating.
I have always been involved in art since I was young. Dabbling in one form or another but never really having the finances to go all out and take up one version. I used to make hand-crafted, fully jointed, miniature teddy bears that sold for around $100. That was fun and tedious. I have always drawn. Some folks that cannot draw for a lick of beans would say I was good. In my own estimation, I am ok.
In my relearning, I have completely gone to the computer arts. I use various programs from PaintShop Pro to Corel’s Painter Essentials to PhotoShop Elements and anything in between. I have used PaintShop Pro for about 10 years and have grown with the product. I feel that when I have mastered these other graphics/arts programs then I will go all out and purchase the more expensive ones at ranging between $300-800.
I have learned a lot and fast considering. I started out last year with photos and had ‘words’ on them as one person put it. That was a bit disheartening since my closest friends were all ‘gawking at my talent’. That is when I decided that friends staring starry-eyed were not what I needed. I needed someone to be honest and tell me what he or she thought. Regardless of whether this person was correct in their assessment was unimportant but it did propel me to move on and upwards.
I have watched my art progress from ‘words on pictures’ to art. I now use various mediums in combinations to accomplish my job. I have been able to incorporate drawing, ink, watercolors, oils, pastels, textures and a whole host of cool brush effects to my work. I used to call my art ‘Thumbody’s Art’ because I actually accomplished it all with a track ball and my thumb. I have since bought a nice Wacom tablet and am learning how to use it instead.
I am hoping through this blog to be able to show some of my art and explain some of the methods and materials I used and the ‘muse’ behind each picture. Obviously, my muse is God in all of them but there were different reasons for creating each picture. While most were created out of my need to find a way to remember scriptures, a few were just to test my talents.
I hope this blog is enjoyable to others and not a burden to read or see! Haha!!